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Trading Work-Life Balance for Work-Life Blending with Tamara Loehr

Tamara Loehr shares her perspective on work-live blending.


You’ll Learn:

  1. Three steps for getting to the root of guilt

  2. Why you should go on an acquaintance diet

  3. How to optimally divide your time amongst competing priorities


About Tamara

Tamara Loehr is an Australian native, wife, and mother of two, who started her first business at the age of 19 after graduating college with a Bachelor of Visual Arts. Her ‘sweat equity’ model led her to winning a range of global awards. Loehr has become globally known as a leading wellness entrepreneur, growing her first business from under $1M annual turnover to over $10M in less than two years with no capital investment. She is proud to use her platform to share how people can have ‘blended’ lives without compromises.


Items Mentioned in this Show:

How to be Awesome at Your Job
00:00 / 01:04
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About the Podcast

While I enjoy hearing, “You’re doing great!”, the follow-up sentence of, “Just keep doing what you’re doing!” doesn’t work for me. I want a clear and actionable roadmap of the things I need to do to get where I want to go. I need to know the tools, hacks, and strategies that are both sensible and proven by those who came before me.

I’ve always been pathologically curious. As a kid, I would go to the Danville Public Library every weekend with my dad, eager to learn. Sure enough, the more I learned in an area, the better I performed! That curiosity served me well and earned me some flashy credentials. I consulted at Bain & Company. I’ve spent thousands of hours delivering one-on-one coaching to 700+ world-class thinkers to sharpen their communication and problem-solving skills. These clients hail from over 50 countries, every Ivy League school, and world-class

organizations such as Google, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, the United Nations, and Amazon.


But the creds matter little compared to the impact I’ve enjoyed making. This site enables me to multiply that impact by sharing the best insights I learn from the best thinkers. I hope you enjoy dorking out about this powerful knowledge as much as I do.


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